
It’s been nine months since I moved from Philadelphia to Los Angeles…county. Aside from the transition to a new coast, new state, new lifestyle (doctoral student in positive organizational psychology at Claremont Graduate University in a suburb of LA) — everything is great (read with slight hyperbole and humor). As I say to my mom when she asks, “How are you?” —Mostly good. There is a reason why moving is as traumatic as death and divorce. It’s because relationships change in these transitions and as social creatures, we need time to adjust. Many philosophers, theologians and scientists alike write about the power of...

Louis Alloro is a change-agent working with individuals and organizations to enable positive evolution, even through the most difficult challenges. He is one of the first 100 people in the world to earn a Master of Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania and holds a second master's degree in the Foundations of Education. In this episode we look at the power of gratitude as well as recommendations for positivity and peace during the holiday season. Listen to Podcast Here Original Publication on Here...

In every moment of every day, and there are 20,000 moments in a given day, we are all making decisions, often below our levels of conscious awareness: is this moment a *potential* opportunity or is it a potential *threat*? Think about it: we stand in the present moment and predict the future. Enter: our negativity and confirmation biases, among others, and we have a shit show for our experience . . . which we can be more in control of when we build this muscle called mindfulness. Awareness. Choice. Abundance. All thoughts boil down to two roads: LOVE or FEAR. Serotonin or Cortisol. Which...

There is a link between gratitude and an emotionally fulfilling life, personal growth, forgiveness, hope, optimism and even global positive effect.   [pdf-embedder url=""]...
