
Something Wonderful Is About to Happen (A short video which highlights some of the research we use in SOMO Learning Labs alongside a compelling story as to why SOMO, why now -- why we need Social-eMOtional leaders facilitating change within our social networks, intentionally, lovingly, and immediately.) Would love to know what you think -- please. With love, Louis...

As one of my childhood friends said on Facebook tonight, Can't help but feel the gloriously luminous supermoon is all for me. Hello Mr. Moon! And why not? Why not think it's all for you? Not in an ego-filled way that taps your hubris, but in a loving way that rocks your self-efficacy: the belief that you can do whatever you want to do in the world. Cause when it's in line with your higher self, it's automatically a win-win. The triple bottom line, baby: people, planet, and profit. As we work on the SOMO Leadership movement in Cleveland, the thought pattern we...

My Facebook status update read: “Dreams coming true this week” and really, that’s just as I experienced it. I’m still savoring the best week of my life, which I spent in Cleveland, Ohio, starting on Valentine’s Day and ending six days later as I drove back home to New York last Saturday. A long drive on route 80, indeed, but with a big smile on my face and lots of oxytocin running through my body, it was A-Okay. Better than okay. Great! Dare I say, the best week of my life? I was there working on an intervention project called SOMO Leadership which...

Just wanted to clear something up: I am not a life coach. Well, I am a life coach, but I’m not just a life coach. I more like to consider myself a change-agent, enabling individuals and systems to create their own, positive growth. Essentially, I facilitate conversations and learning opportunities for people interested in creating their own, positive evolution. I do this by teaching people how to (1) think about how they think, (2) get clear about what they want, and (3) dance. I realize some of those words look/sound strange: change-agent, enabling, evolution. But much of this learning is about incorporating...
