
Last week I had the great fortune of being with the Dalai Lama three days in two cities. The second of these visits brought me to Washington DC, where the Mind Life Institute presented an annual congress on learning called “Educating World Citizens” which brought together over 2,000 international voices. The Dalai Lama participated in all sessions over two days, which engaged western scientists concerned about the good life, particularly in regard to schooling (teaching/learning). Session topics included: Envisioning the World Citizen; Attention, Emotional Regulation, and Learning; Compassion and Empathy, and Future Directions and Policy. To sum, we discussed how to educate...

A person asked Buddha: "Are you a God?" Buddha's reply was "No." "Are you an Angel?" "No." "Then what are you?" "I am Awake." * Why is it so important to live in the PRESENT moment? * Everything! The other night I was having dinner with a friend of mine. He was telling me about a recent audition he had  “It went really, really well,” he said. “How do you know,” I asked? “Because I was fully and completely present, he replied.” “I just felt it.” * What if success were as simple as that? Being fully & completely present?” * Being present is something you feel as my friend says. It’s a choice,...
