Life Coaching

I encourage you to up your emotional intelligence and find a word better than "good" or "bad" (sad, angry) to describe how you feel from moment to moment. Notice how it changes. And be mindful to think, "Part of my feels XYZ" as a way to create more space between feeling and being.  ...

-- called Fundamentals: an Introduction to Relationship Systems Coaching: "The two-day Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching Fundamentals course explores a ground breaking model for coaching teams, families, couples, and organizations. Whether your practice area is personal coaching, family therapy or business coaching, the ORSC model will change the way you work." [caption id="attachment_1396" align="alignleft" width="300"] Crowdsourcing a request for a pair/couple to coach this Saturday night (for free) as part of my course learning.[/caption] As part of this course, I need to coach a couple or pair over the phone, in person or SKYPE on this Saturday night, the 20th of September....

If you ask how much do I want, I’ll tell you that I want it all. This morning, you and I and all men are flowing into the marvelous stream of oneness. Small pieces of imagination as we are, we have come a long way to find ourselves and for ourselves, in the dark, the illusion of emancipation. This morning, my brother is back from his long adventure. He kneels before the altar, his eyes full of tears. His soul is longing for a shore to set anchor at (a yearning I once had). Let him kneel there and weep. Let him cry his heart out. Let him have his refuge...

--and I know you do too. Came across this quote yesterday from John Updike: "Dreams come true; without that possibility nature would not incite us to have them." And of course, today being Martin Luther King, Jr. day -- and this year marking the 50th anniversary of that speech -- is meaningful to me. My dreams are full of meaning and purpose. They give me goose bumps when I think about them. And as Napoleon Hill reminds us in his Think and Grow Rich "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." You know something that separates an Olympian from a non-Olympian? Vision. The ability to look...

Just wanted to clear something up: I am not a life coach. Well, I am a life coach, but I’m not just a life coach. I more like to consider myself a change-agent, enabling individuals and systems to create their own, positive growth. Essentially, I facilitate conversations and learning opportunities for people interested in creating their own, positive evolution. I do this by teaching people how to (1) think about how they think, (2) get clear about what they want, and (3) dance. I realize some of those words look/sound strange: change-agent, enabling, evolution. But much of this learning is about incorporating...

Well, it’s 2011 – how’d that happen so fast? I have to remember that time is not linear, the way we’ve devised it to be (and thus our expectation of how we experience it). Our calendar is (somewhat) man-made and can really just have easily picked April as the indicator of a new year (Why do we even call it April?) Some people even think spring is a better indicator of “anew” given the equinox. In any case, it is 2011 – and with the energy that goes ‘round with resolutions at this time, now’s a great pause for all us. What...
