Positive Intervention

One of the best parts of my job is getting to work in all sorts of organizations as a consultant on leadership and organizational development. I work in places ranging from schools to health care systems to fortune 500 companies. My anecdotal observation across the board is in alignment with Gallup poll research on employee engagement which shows disengagement as high. In 2015, the percentage of U.S. workers in 2015 who Gallup considered engaged in their jobs averaged 32%. The majority (50.8%) of employees were "not engaged," (a concept called presenteeism suggests people show up but are largely absent) while another...

You ever find yourself responding to most emails with, “I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you . . . blah, blah, blah . . . I’m busy but good”? Well, I’ve been doing a lot less of that since adopting Ryder, my now 5 month old cockapoo (that’s cocker spaniel + poodle) who is so delicious to love I can hardly stand it. Who has time to be “busy” when the opportunity to be fully present and engaged presents itself in this little one? I described falling in love with Ryder on a recent blog,...

Saturday was the 21st anniversary of my brother Todd’s untimely death. I wrote about it here a year ago and according to the analytics, it was the most read of all my blog posts. Todd was definitely with me on Saturday. I was staying at my sister’s in the west Village. Went out in the morning for breakfast, which included the ordering of a sweet treat. I saw a piece of coconut cake at Amy’s Bread that caught my eye and I ordered it. But when I got back to Christine’s and opened up the bag, pleasantly to my surprise, they...

I drove 400 miles to Cleveland, Ohio yesterday to continue a newer chapter of my life called "My Dreams are Coming True." I swear, people--this stuff works! It's happening in my life and it's because I'm learning to think differently. Trust me, please. I'm not just talkin' smack. But let me tell you, the past few weeks have been filled with mixed emotions. Lots of anxiety was coming up for me in New York. (I'm learning too that my fear shows up in strange, strange ways . . . almost hard to notice in real time, which is why hindsight is a beautiful thing.)...

[caption id="attachment_535" align="alignright" width="157" caption="Shot on my run one morning along the Bosphorus River."][/caption] I'm just returning from Turkey, where I spent just five days in Instanbul, an amazing place on so many levels--rich with history, faith (of all kinds), and beauty beyond imagination. I was invited to facilitate a SOMO Learning Lab for 30 pioneering change-agents (coaches, HR directors, business & media leaders, university professors) in a 2-day experience we called Engaging Leadership With Positive Psychology. The program was stamped by George Mason University's Institute for Leadership Excellence and its Director, Fran Nurthen and I co-facilitated. We used my SOMO Leadership Model as the...

Well, it’s 2011 – how’d that happen so fast? I have to remember that time is not linear, the way we’ve devised it to be (and thus our expectation of how we experience it). Our calendar is (somewhat) man-made and can really just have easily picked April as the indicator of a new year (Why do we even call it April?) Some people even think spring is a better indicator of “anew” given the equinox. In any case, it is 2011 – and with the energy that goes ‘round with resolutions at this time, now’s a great pause for all us. What...

If you can just see as I see, feel as I feel, you'll know: I'm just as f-ed up as all y'all. Really. The voices in my head are loud lately. Really loud. Getting in the way. It amazes me how neurobiological this stuff is: engrained in our DNA. [caption id="attachment_276" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Me and Christine blowing out our candles."][/caption] Last week was my birthday. 32. Woo hoo! Traditionally, my twin sister Christine and I have a joint party with her friends and mine. We call it "Twins and the City." In one form or another, we've been doing...

It is silly to assume that the more I do, the more I’ll have (or be). When we find a nice harmony between doing and being, the Universe will show us what we need to know. It must start with being. What I’ve found is that when I get caught in the whirlwind of doing for the sake of doing or because society says I should do, I lose this sense of being, which is so important to my well-being. I lose my innate ability to know. I fall asleep. That consciousness goes away. So, what I need to do...
