
This piece was first published on Positive Psychology News Daily. The alarm goes off in the morning. You may think: I didn't get enough sleep last night. I am super excited to start the day. Most people, whether they are conscious of it or not, think (a) “I didn’t get enough sleep last night” as they hit the snooze button for eight more minutes of sleep. In fact, it’s a thought like this that causes an action of inaction which keeps you staying in bed, missing your workout, and being late to work. Further, this thought of “not enough” is the first in a slew of...

Given the GEC (global economic crisis) AND my traditionally poor management of money, I've been thinking a lot on this idea of really what's negotiable lately. I've come to one conclusion: everything. Financially: Think about it: you park your car on a lot on Eighth Avenue. You pay an astronomical $320 per month for the spot (extra, for a dang SUV!). You approach the lot manager and simply ask, with love and hope: "Is it possible to lower my monthly fee?" "I know that things are really tight these days, but I may be tempted to park closer to the river, where the...

A person asked Buddha: "Are you a God?" Buddha's reply was "No." "Are you an Angel?" "No." "Then what are you?" "I am Awake." * Why is it so important to live in the PRESENT moment? * Everything! The other night I was having dinner with a friend of mine. He was telling me about a recent audition he had  “It went really, really well,” he said. “How do you know,” I asked? “Because I was fully and completely present, he replied.” “I just felt it.” * What if success were as simple as that? Being fully & completely present?” * Being present is something you feel as my friend says. It’s a choice,...
