social construction theory

Here I am, now at 34 – my second mid-decade as an adult and I must say, there’s a tinge of existential crisis similar to what I felt at 25. 30 was easy, 30 was fun. But 24-26 was a time I remember feeling really crazy-in-the-head especially in regards to my professional life. What was I doing as everyone else around me was working their ways up their professional ladders? It’s similar to what I’m feeling now for my personal life. As people (now increasingly so in my world) get married and settle down, why am I still single? THEN I spent a majority...

We form habits of thought around stories, and each time we retell them the old way, we reinforce the habit. The ruts get deeper and harder to get out of. But what if we told different stories? It’s About Stories Today I actually stopped a client cold in the middle of a story. We were talking about his being single and to illustrate in his mind the “why” of this reality, he began to tell me a story about a past relationship—about one that had failed. His story was about blame and fault. It was entirely focused on what was wrong, nothing...
