
[caption id="attachment_1426" align="alignleft" width="230"] Ryder in his first month with me. That bottom right pic is us in our Halloween costumes the day we met. Me as a Smurf and he as an octopus.[/caption] They say that if you’re thirty-five, which I am, and you have no kids, which I don’t, then you should get a dog, which I did -- this past weekend, seriously. Not just a dog but a 3-month-old cockapoo (that’s cocker spaniel + poodle) puppy (that’s a baby dog). He goes by “Ryder” and he’s super cute. I adopted Ryder from his first family in New York who...

You know the kind? It's when there *appears to be many balls in the air - and the juggling is going well. Until, of course a bump. Or two. Bumps are natural. (Booty and otherwise.) The thing about bumps is that they require adaptation -- and as we know from Mr. Darwin, that's the name of the game. "The fittest" = the most adaptable. My bump has been this move to Cleveland. When I think I just moved to a new apartment in NYC earlier this year (with a heavy broker's fee, I'll add), it wasn't even in my consciousness that...

Ever since hearing President Obama’s state of the union address last week, I couldn’t help but thinking what I need to do: ask for President W and his supporters for forgiveness – forgiveness for my own lack of support during his presidency, for saying things like “He’s not my President, he’s yours.” For mocking him continually (which was easy because my friends were doing the same). But not all my friends – and certainly not many of my family members, including my parents, who have a framed photo of the man (albeit in their basement), which arrived after they made...
