goals Tag

Research shows that about 40-some percent of Americans typically make New Year’s resolutions, yet less than 10% are successful in achieving their desires. Here are some tips to be successful and sustainably so: Start with the end in mind - - What do you want to be thinking and feeling next December as you reflect back on the year? Take the time to imagine how it would be if you accomplished all of your heart’s desires. Consider your career, health, finances, romance, family, friends, community, fun and personal growth. If you need a writing prompt, try this: What do I hope to...

"Working with Louis has been such and uplifting and enlightening experience for me.  I have always been addicted to writing endless to do lists, breaking them into SMART goals, and spending lots of time trying to determine where I was in this whole maze of tasks to achieve.  Usually I was able to check off a few tasks but never really felt any closer to an overall goal. Louis works gently and with great empathy to elicit the values, strengths, and life skills that can bring about a rapid shift in consciousness around setting and achieving goals.  I have realized that...
