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In 2012, I co-founded a certification program in applied positive psychology (CAPP)**, the science of human wellbeing and flourishing. It’s now 2018 and I have a special opportunity to teach a special section of CAPP in Midland, Michigan. Our first of seven onsite meetings was last week and I’m in the afterglow of this specialness -- the novelty, inspiration and possibility. There are so many reasons why what we are doing in Midland is special. First, a special shout out to Kathy Snyder, a MAPP grad and colleague who lives and works in Midland and has been a key contributor to...

NEW YORK, NY – The Flourishing Center (TFC) now offers its top-rated Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology (CAPP) program in Midland, Michigan beginning in January. CAPP draws a unique and diverse cohort of participants: educators, wellness and fitness coaches, entrepreneurs, business leaders, HR professionals, organizational and leadership development specialists, everyday citizens and more. All participants are social-emotional leaders or change-agents who have influence on others. The program is rigorous in content providing participants with cutting-edge research in applied behavior change science, cognitive neuroscience, mindfulness, contemplative studies and mind-body medicine. The program is designed to support the Midland county initiative “Together-Forward-Bold: An exceptional...
