SOMO Leadership

My mom always said "no grass grows under his feet." "A bull in the china shop" was another popular metaphor for Little Louis. What can I say? I like to get going. What I'm learning, though, is that to sustain, I need support. We all need support. I yearn for real we: team. But am I/are we wired for this - or, have we been conditioned with scarce perceptions? These days, while I'm headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, I'm also traveling back and forth between here and Northern Valley, NJ -- both places I'm facilitating SOMO leadership, a concept to help learn...

here’s to the crazy ones; the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers; the round pegs in the square holes; the ones who see things differently, they’re not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. you can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. about the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things; they push the human race forward. and while some may see them as crazy, we see genius; because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones that do. -Jack Kerouac/Steve Jobs ...

I am home today after three weeks away. I have mixed emotions. Exactly 21 days ago I left for New York/New Jersey on a road trip with my friend Craig. We had fun along route 80 and that fun parlayed into a fun Christmas with my family. It was a good time seeing everyone, staying at my childhood home, and eating lots of delicious Italian food. [caption id="attachment_978" align="alignleft" width="300"] Iceland, January 2013[/caption] Then, I spent a week in Iceland. What a beautiful place. “Thin,” as Rev. Tracey Lind recently described to me, meaning, it’s filled with spiritual energy – close to the...

The field of positive psychology lost a great friend and contributor today: Dr. Chris Peterson (1950-2012). [caption id="attachment_934" align="alignleft" width="321"] RIP CP.And thank you.[/caption] You may know Dr. Peterson as the guy who researched the VIA: the character strengths inventory we use often in SOMO Leadership Labs. (We're also using his book in SOMO 300!) He put a lot of work into this tool, combing the world's many moral texts for a ubiquitous classification of strengths and virtues. I know him as Chris, one of my professors in grad school. What an amazing teacher: humorous, zestful (in his own way) and wise -...

Something Wonderful Is About to Happen (A short video which highlights some of the research we use in SOMO Learning Labs alongside a compelling story as to why SOMO, why now -- why we need Social-eMOtional leaders facilitating change within our social networks, intentionally, lovingly, and immediately.) Would love to know what you think -- please. With love, Louis...

by Işık Taçoğlu on Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 5:59am ·  Between June 28-29,2011,  I was at the "Engaging Leadership with Positive Psychology" Workshop which was a joint event by The Mason Institute for Leadership Excellence of George Mason University, Navitas Education and  IMETAC Education (My Company). This is the first time the concept of positive psychology was  introduced to the Turkish Management in terms of leadership and I must admit that  it was an honour to be a part of this.  In this seminar, Louis Alloro (one of our beloved facilitators then,now a great friend and a colleague), told us about a fridge...

I've been thinking about pride lately. Like what it means to have it - be it - own it - live it. Like note just on a float in a parade -but what it means to really feel it. Emotional connection is such a key ingredient to a well-lived-life because it leads to emotional contagion - yet I believe we've been conditioned to live with these low levels of cortisol; that the norm is negativity and without awareness, we just don't even realize it. What can the new norm be, should we choose? Opportunity, not threat -- for ourselves first. Awareness. Self-love. Honest...
