Positive Psychology

A person asked Buddha: "Are you a God?" Buddha's reply was "No." "Are you an Angel?" "No." "Then what are you?" "I am Awake." * Why is it so important to live in the PRESENT moment? * Everything! The other night I was having dinner with a friend of mine. He was telling me about a recent audition he had  “It went really, really well,” he said. “How do you know,” I asked? “Because I was fully and completely present, he replied.” “I just felt it.” * What if success were as simple as that? Being fully & completely present?” * Being present is something you feel as my friend says. It’s a choice,...

“Love is in the air, everywhere I look around Love is in the air, every sight and every sound” (lyrics by Paul Young) Love is such a strange phenomenon. We all want it. We all need it. But do we all have it?

I recently learned of a very cool definition of love: “Love is the flowing, the outpouring the rendering from the heart and soul of emotional goodness to yourself first, - - and then to others in your life.” (from the Hoffman Institute) With yourself first! Herein lies A KEY. * Do you love yourself? * * Do you really love yourself? * Love changes the brain. It’s all about...

“Life is an experiment and the more experiments you make the better." -Ralph Waldo Emerson * How about a strengths experiment? * Enough about weakness! One of the major contributions to Positive Psychology in the past decade has been the VIA Classification of Strength and Virtue (Peterson & Seligman, 2004). This work has been published in response to the DSM – the classification of mental disorders (like depression and anxiety) that mental health professionals have used for so long. * So then what about STRENGTH? * Chris Peterson and Martin Seligman have identified twenty-four character strengths that are ubiquitous across time and culture—from Jesus’...

Communitas is a ritual-building process that inspires and revitalizes while reaffirming relationships within a community, state University of Virginia psychologist Jonathan Haidt and his colleagues. According to Anthropologist Victor Turner, building communitas is an essential step to activating a community to healthy family functioning, healthy child development, and other dimensions of well-being.  It also creates positive emotion, which according to psychologist Barbara Fredrickson and mathematician Marcial Losada, builds upward spirals for individuals and groups. Here is an example of some of the work I’ve done with my own family as an action researcher to build communitas and expand positive emotion.  As...

Check out a bit of "positive press" on this site. By: Jen Wielgus phillyBurbs.com Louis Alloro works as a life coach, teaching people of all ages and backgrounds how to find success and happiness. Business right now is booming. "People are hungry for this stuff," he says. Aren't we, though? If we didn't have enough stress in our lives prior to the economy going south, we now worry extra hard about our jobs, our mortgages, our bank accounts, our health, our futures -- everything. All that worry can drag even the most optimistic person down, and that's where Alloro comes in. Positivity is his specialty. While studying for one...

Enough is Enough Why does school often feel bad for kids? As a student, I often felt I wasn’t good enough: who I was and what the world expected me to be were at odds. As a result, I felt marginalized and alone at school. I felt voiceless.  Only later did I learn that feelings of “not being good enough (or smart enough, or good looking enough, or whatever enough)” were too common for school children. And then I became a teacher. Finally! On the other side of the desk. A dream I had since as long as I could remember. But there,...

“Positive Psychology is all about having a YES in your heart.” –Marty Seligman * Do you have a YES in your heart?  * I am a Master of Positive Psychology. From my experience, I can tell you wholeheartedly and honestly that learning this stuff puts a YES in your heart. It did for me . . . so much so that now I am working with individuals and systems to implement these principles into the daily lives of others. This stuff works! Positive Psychology is a newer field within the traditional discipline that studies the capacities that make life worth living. It’s not...
