Positive Psychology

It’s simple: successful people think differently. This is why Sandra Bullock won the Oscar. Sure, she’s a good actor and had an amazing opportunity with _The Blind Side_ , a powerful story about an emotionally evolving character. Bullock had a believable performance, grounded in a level of authenticity and transparency that we can all benefit from incorporating more of into our lives. * But how did she get that part? How did she win? * In Positive Psychology we call it GRIT - the passion AND perseverance required to achieve long-term goals. Gritty people are successful because they triumph through tribulations and...

➢ Use your VIA Strengths (measure them free by clicking here) to build energy and create momentum for how you be in the world. If you’re high on gratitutde for example, find innovative ways to use your gratitude, express your gratitude, be your gratitude. This will fuel your fire. ➢ Try not to let the pressure of time be against you. Time is highly paradoxical. It is not linear the way we have set it up to be. Love exactly where you are. After all, where else can you be? ➢ Remember the importance of clearing space to gain clarity and enlightenment - ending your...

[caption id="attachment_244" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="What do you see? What do you hear? How are you guided?"][/caption] I spent the greater part of my 20s looking for my calling. I knew there was something out there for me that would just fit naturally with my interests and curiosities in the world. But what was I interested in? What was I curious about? Especially as my friends were moving up their respective (and usually corporate) ladders, I found myself feeling scared and seemingly alone. What if I never found it? But something kept me looking, even with those dark voices telling me it...

"Working with Louis has been such and uplifting and enlightening experience for me.  I have always been addicted to writing endless to do lists, breaking them into SMART goals, and spending lots of time trying to determine where I was in this whole maze of tasks to achieve.  Usually I was able to check off a few tasks but never really felt any closer to an overall goal. Louis works gently and with great empathy to elicit the values, strengths, and life skills that can bring about a rapid shift in consciousness around setting and achieving goals.  I have realized that...

It is silly to assume that the more I do, the more I’ll have (or be). When we find a nice harmony between doing and being, the Universe will show us what we need to know. It must start with being. What I’ve found is that when I get caught in the whirlwind of doing for the sake of doing or because society says I should do, I lose this sense of being, which is so important to my well-being. I lose my innate ability to know. I fall asleep. That consciousness goes away. So, what I need to do...

We live in a world of doing, of checklists, of go, go, go. Especially in New York city where I live, people are running all the time: the city that never sleeps. Work, gym, dinner, party, work, sleep. It’s so easy to get caught up by this energy, but is it all so good? As a detective of sorts, I’ve been keeping my eyes open to this frenetic movement and wondering how it serves me, my life. I’ve been watching my clients and friends, too, and have observed some really interesting things about how people operate. The energy that results...

Certainly, we know more today about the benefits of social and emotional learning than ever before. Largely, many schools are taking on the task of teaching these skills in the classroom. But what happens beyond the classroom, in real life? Is the culture of our athletic fields or music rooms, our families, or our city streets set up to support the living of this learning? For my graduate work in positive psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, I developed a framework we can use to fill this gap. Social-Emotional Leadership is a strengths-based system of shared responsibility which ensures groups we...

Ever since hearing President Obama’s state of the union address last week, I couldn’t help but thinking what I need to do: ask for President W and his supporters for forgiveness – forgiveness for my own lack of support during his presidency, for saying things like “He’s not my President, he’s yours.” For mocking him continually (which was easy because my friends were doing the same). But not all my friends – and certainly not many of my family members, including my parents, who have a framed photo of the man (albeit in their basement), which arrived after they made...

Hello Positive People, Here’s hoping that your first month into the new year is off to a smashing start. If not, it’s never too late. Remember it’s all about the power of NOW. One thing that’s worked for me so far in 2010 has been around building self-regulation. According to research, Americans exude this as lesser of all character strengths. In other words, we’re not good at self-control. (Not surprising, right?) But, what we also know is that self-regulation is important - it builds attention (which is limited to begin with). So, my suggestion is to build self-control in an area of your...
