Saturday was the 21st anniversary of my brother Todd’s untimely death. I wrote about it here a year ago and according to the analytics, it was the most read of all my blog posts. Todd was definitely with me on Saturday. I was staying at my sister’s in the west Village. Went out in the morning for breakfast, which included the ordering of a sweet treat. I saw a piece of coconut cake at Amy’s Bread that caught my eye and I ordered it. But when I got back to Christine’s and opened up the bag, pleasantly to my surprise, they...

It is better to light candles than to curse the darkness. It is better to plant seeds than to accuse the earth. The world needs all of our power and love and energy, and each of us has something that we can give. The trick is to find it and use it, to find it and give it away. So there will always be more. We can be lights for each other, and through each other's illumination we will see the way. Each of us is a seed, a silent promise, and it is always spring. ~Merle Shain...

I've been sleeping on other beds since March 24 (keep your mind out of the gutter), as I've traveled the east coast to work on related projects: systems interventions using the SOcial-eMOtional model of change. I've also spent quality time with family, friends and dear colleagues -- sometimes they're all rolled into one -- and am coming back home to Cleveland today feeling refreshed and reenergized. While my bed is in Cleveland, I realized something on this past trip: that I have homes in other places, too. I know what they mean when they say: home is where the...

I’m scared shitless, that’s the truth --that I will fail, miserably. Shame . . . I’ve moved my life to the mid-ish west Cleveland, Ohio: I feel called here. I think we can show the world something BIG About how consciousness leads to transformation But WHO AM I? Sometimes I know who I think I am And that ego fails quickly. Train derailed. That’s not how I want to show up In my life, in the world I’m working on it. It’s dynamic, I’m dynamic – Why do we forget? SOMO is larger than me. It’s a we: we need each other An opportunity, not a threat Which starts with me shifting my own perception From FEAR to...

If God Invited you to a party And said, ‘Everyone In the ballroom tonight Will be my special Guest…’ How would you then treat them When you Arrived? Indeed, indeed! And I know There is no one in this world Who Is not upon His Jeweled Dance Floor Khwajeh Shams al-Din Muhammad Hafez-e Shirazi was a Persian mystic and poet. He was born sometime between the years 1310-1337 in Shiraz, Persia (now Iran)....

“Why do kids shoot guns?” was a question I posed on Facebook yesterday morning after learning of a school shooting in Chardon, Ohio – about 30 miles from where I am now in Cleveland. Here are some of my friends responses and my responses to their responses from a positive psychology lens: 1. “Power.” I’m reading The Narcissism Epidemic right now: Living in the Age of Entitlement. This response is quite plausible when you look around and see how many people live with a mindset that positions themselves over others. This is not just in schools on Main Street, but in big...

[caption id="attachment_734" align="alignleft" width="135" caption="Taken with my iPhone from the beach."][/caption] I am still savoring a long weekend in Vieques, an island off Puerto Rico, a place I have been wanting to visit for awhile – a magical place, surrounded on one side by the Caribbean, the other by the Atlantic, rich and bombastic in history (the US Navy used it to send test bombs for a long time until community organizing ended that nonsense several years ago) and home to the world’s largest bioluminescent bay. I’ve been wanting to Vieques for several years– have had a pull, a yearning...
